A Blog A Day- Fearless Friday

So “fearless” is today’s Blog A Day challenge and as I found myself struggling for something to write about my mind drifted through all the worries of my finances.
Fearless Finances.
I am a very giving person. Giving of my time and my resources and I like that about myself and don’t want to change it.
Here comes the “But”
But…. I have been digging a rather size able financial trench for some time now. It’s deep, dark, ominous and sometimes frightening to me. I spend much of my time looking elsewhere so that I do not have to acknowledge it at all. Unfortunately this blind behavior has given it strength and confidence. It has been growing. Sly sneaking and creeping up behind my back like a serpent. In my lack of acknowledgment it has developed a life of its own and intends on devouring me.
Well, today is Fearless Friday so I am going to face that scary financial trench head on! I am no longer going to give it strength thru my avoidance of it. After all, I have created this trench by being who I am and I don’t regret my decision to help others for an instant.
The trench is MY beast.
I must face it, acknowledge it, own it, collar it and quickly snap a leash on this Dragon before it learns to breathe fire on its own master.
By being Fearless I will gain control!!

What are you Fearless towards this Friday?

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. flippyzipflop
    Aug 08, 2014 @ 19:30:16

    If we face our fears, we soon realize, that we have little to fear at all. It’s just money. You can’t take it with you when you go… I know it’s easy to say that, BUT, really…stop and think about it. You enjoy doing for others, so don’t stop, but maybe rein that in a little. Just long enough to get yourself back on solid ground. Is the world going to stop spinning if a bill doesn’t get paid? I should send you a picture of the stack of medical bills I’ve accumulated over the last 30 days alone. They’ll get their money when I get it. You can’t get blood from a stone. If I don’t have it, I don’t have it. It’s as simple as that. But please don’t let money (the root of all evil) be the reason your spirit is low. Look at each and every bill you have to pay. Then look at your bank account. Divide the amount of money you have by the number of bills and send them all the same amount. If it’s not the minimum amount due? Oh well. Maybe you’ll be in a better position to pay next month. Keep on keeping on!! Love that you’ve jumped on board with the B.A.D. posts!! Very happy to have you!! Plus it keeps us WRITING!!! Best of luck…



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